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Swagelok Atlantic Canada

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Introduction to Threads and End Connections

Identifying thread size

Threads & End Connections Technical Seminar

Many mechanical end connections have threads. Therefore, thread standards can be used to help define and identify end connection standards. Identifying threads and distinguishing common thread types used in fitting end connections can be challenging. In this module, we describe the different sealing requirements of both tapered and parallel threads, as well as demonstrate thread preparation and proper installation procedures of these thread types.

Topics include:

  • Thread Standards
  • End Connection Standards
  • End Connection Seal Technology
  • Tapered threads. NPT (also known as ASME B1.20.1), ISO
    7/1 (also known as EN 10226-1 and JIS B0203)
  • Straight threads. ASME B1.1 (unified screw thread), ISO
    228/1, ISO 261 straight threads

Duration: 1.5 Hours*

*Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Hours that meet provincial requirements.

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